Book for others

Learn how you can book flights or hotels on behalf of other employees in your company

Salil Menon avatar
Written by Salil Menon
Updated over a week ago

Travel managers, we understand that you sometimes need to make business travel arrangements for your employees — either because your executives are too busy to book for themselves, or just because you want to own and manage the entire booking process.

If you're an administrator or owner, you can book flights or hotels for your employees in the company. Just follow these steps.

  1. Click Sign in on the Travelstop homepage and select your company (You can directly sign in using your company's Travelstop URL as well)

  2. Search for your preferred flight or hotel and proceed to the booking summary page

  3. On the booking summary page, you will see an option I'm booking this trip for:, select Someone else if you're looking to book for another employee

  4. Proceed to choose the name of the employee from the Who is travelling? drop down

  5. All their details and preferences will be auto-populated. Check and confirm the details and click Continue to booking

  6. Enter your card details on the Payment screen and click Confirm and pay

  7. That's it. We'll send the email confirmation to both you and the traveller

💡 Pro tip: You can add or update any details for the traveller while  making a booking, any changes made will be saved to the traveller’s profile.

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